
Six of Wands Meaning: Suit of Wands

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What does Six of Wands Tarot card mean

The Six of Wands meaning is forward-looking and encouraging, signifying triumph in one's life. It stands for many facets of accomplishment and gives anyone a reason to feel proud of themselves.

Six of Wands Tarot Keywords

The Six of Wands keywords are slightly unique, depending on which direction the card is picked.

Upright: winning, accomplishment, being content, success.

Reversed: personal goals, overcoming hardships, self-improvement, spiritual growth.

The six of wands means you have reason to celebrate your success with those you love most.
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Six of Wands Upright Meaning

The Six of Wands upright indicates you've reached a major turning point in your life. You can finally look back on your victories and think, “wow, I did it!”

Upright Health

It's been a long journey in terms of your health, but you've made tremendous progress. You are starting to receive recognition for your resilience. Your loved ones have your back, and that's all you really need.

Upright Love

When choosing the Six of Wands upright, love is something to think about. You've been playing the long game when it comes to romance, and your patience is seeming to pay off. It feels great to be content in love, and you should savor every second of it.

Upright Money & Career

You've paid off a debt or soon plan to. This pick represents the feeling of freedom that comes along with financial security. No longer living every day feeling like a slave to your debt is a stride worth celebrating.

The six of wands indicates exciting news in one's life, even if it's something small.
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Six of Wands Reversed Meaning

The Six of Wands reversed betoken success just like the upright version, but it's normally much more private and indicates personal growth in subtle ways. Although people around you might not be aware of the progress you're making, you have reason to be proud of yourself!

Reversed Health

Maintaining your health as you age has felt like a challenge. Use this time to set small fitness goals, and you'll be surprised at how good it feels to watch your progress.

Reversed Love

When selecting the Six of Wands reversed, love is something to bear in mind. You have not had it easy when it comes to relationships, but you've learned to love yourself, which is what matters at the end of the day.

Reversed Money & Career

If selecting the Six of Wands reversed, career growth is one thing to consider. You have a wealth of exciting new business or career ideas to look forward to. They might seem small, but coupled with your drive and ambition, they'll take you far!

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