
Seven of Wands Meaning: Suit of Wands

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What does Seven of Wands Tarot card mean

The Seven of Wands meaning is one of courage and persistence. In practice, this card alludes to staying true to yourself, being genuine in your actions, and overall holding yourself to a high standard.

Seven of Wands Tarot Keywords

The Seven of Wands keywords vary based on how the card is selected.

Upright: competition, ambition, courage, challenge, defense.

Reversed: breaking point, fatigue, reset, overload.

The seven of card is a mark of bravery, ambition, and confidence to rise to any challenge.
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Seven of Wands Upright Meaning

The Seven of Wands upright stands for an act of bravery. Whether you've done right by yourself or the people that depend on you, you should feel proud and trust your abilities.

Upright Health

You've recently risen to the challenge of prioritizing your health and wellness. Taking such an initiative is a big step, and you'll soon reap the benefits of your actions!

Upright Love

When it comes to the seven of wands upright, love is a major factor in this pick. It takes a lot of courage to put yourself first and set standards for what you expect in a partner, but you've done it!

Upright Money & Career

Choosing this card means good news about your financial situation! Maybe you're going to win some kind of competition at work or have just challenged yourself to do better. Either way, staying focused and driven will yield success soon!

The seven of wands reversed signifies tension stress and stress in one's life.
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Seven of Wands Reversed Meaning

The Seven of Wands reversed demonstrates you have built up stress and tension. You've recently been feeling like the world is crashing down on you, and you have no place to turn. Thankfully, this space is just temporary, and you'll recover in no time.

Reversed Health

When choosing the Seven of Wands reversed, health concerns should be taken seriously. You're tired of fighting whatever ailment has been getting you down, but maybe this is your sign to ask for help.

Reversed Love

If you selected the Seven of Wands reversed, love is one thing to consider, especially if you feel like you cannot take any more heartache! Take this opportunity to reevaluate your emotional needs and prioritize being with the person that has no issue meeting them.

Reversed Money & Career

When picking the Seven of Wands reversed, career decisions might be stressing you out. You've just about had it with your coworkers, management, or pay. Remember your worth and use that to drive your career-related decisions.

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