
Eight of Wands Meaning: Suit of Wands

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What does Eight of Wands Tarot card mean

The Eight of Wands meaning is about movement and fluidity. It can allude to a physical activity, such as a road trip or moving to a new house. Or, it can mean emotional movement, like recovering from a breakup or banishing old habits. 

Eight of Wands Tarot Keywords

The Eight of Wands keywords will vary depending on the direction the card has been selected. 

Upright: haste, impulsive, energetic, quick, eager.

Reversed: delays, setbacks, holding back, hesitation.

The eight of wands signals quick movement, often running toward something without hesitation.
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Eight of Wands Upright Meaning

When chosen in this direction, the card means you're moving quickly. Whether you decided to move on from a relationship or make an impulse purchase, you wasted no time! 

Upright Health

You like to keep busy, but recently you've been having trouble managing your stress levels. Learn to slow down and take life one day at a time–you'll be less stressed and much happier. 

Upright Love

Perhaps you rushed into a relationship or are eager to jump into one. When picking the Eight of Wands upright, love is important. There's nothing wrong with moving fast, but be sure of your decisions to prevent any heartbreak!

Upright Money & Career

Just as quick as you make money, you spend it! Sometimes it can feel tough to keep up with your bills. Be mindful of your spending habits, set a budget, and avoid impulsive purchases at all costs. 

The eight of wands reversed means someone is taking their time to make a decision.
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Eight of Wands Reversed Meaning

The Eight of Wands reversed represents quite the opposite of its upright counterpart. This card looks at the trouble experienced when you just can't seem to reach a conclusion. There's a such thing as being overly cautious!

Reversed Health

You've had the same health and fitness goals for years, and it feels like they're just distant dreams at this point. Making excuses is easy, but making a commitment to your health would be the right thing to do.

Reversed Love

According to the Eight of Wands reversed, love is an area you struggle with. You're hesitant to jump into a relationship or take things further with your partner due to past experiences. Don't let the past define your future, take a risk! 

Reversed Money & Career

When choosing the Eight of Wands reversed, career choices should be considered. You're feeling afraid of rejection, which is totally normal! However, you won't land your dream job unless you try. 

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