
Six of Swords Tarot Card Meanings: Suit of Swords

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Turbulent trials might leave you feeling burned out, but hope and healing are not too far away.

What does the Six of Swords Tarot Card mean

The Six of Swords Tarot card meaning shows a break in the waves. Right now is all about that next step forward.

Six of Swords Tarot Keywords

The Six of Swords keywords are: release, calmness, advancement, betterment, & voyage.

Six of Swords Upright Meaning

The trials and turmoil you have faced are beginning to pass!
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The Six of Swords upright typically shine a light on a calmer future. A release from the troubles and misfortune is on its way!

Upright Health

All those inconvenient symptoms will come to pass here soon. Deep, bodily rest is needed, and soon enough, your health will be back to optimal functioning.

Upright Love

If you're in a partnership, then the Six of Swords upright love meaning insinuates that a degree of clarity could develop and wounds may begin to heal. For single individuals, previous heartbreak will dissolve and a deeper love for self will take its place.

Upright Money & Career

A shift has come! Like a needle through water, you are finding it easier to complete the daily duties of your job, and interacting with bosses or coworkers doesn't leave you feeling disappointed. Issues with monetary assets begin to stabilize.

Six of Swords Reversed Meaning

How will you handle the upcoming storm?
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The seas are rising as the Six of Swords reversed warns about the rough weather approaching. You are gripping the sides of the boat tightly through the waves of the ocean.

Reversed Health

Unforeseen hurdles that need to be dealt with in order to gain back ideal health are blocking your path. Try to stay consistent with positive health practices. 

Reversed Love

The Six of Swords reversed love interpretation is a warning for those with a significant other. It proposes a difficult chapter ahead. If you're single, this could indicate that no sparks will be flying or a feeling of being stuck in a 'situationship.'

Reversed Money & Career

It seems that someone or something is causing disruptions, or you are realizing you feel confined to a job that doesn't allow you to grow. If you're feeling like you have no idea how to handle your finances, it is always okay to seek help!

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