
Seven of Swords Tarot Card Meanings: Suit of Swords

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Perhaps taking a glance over your shoulder for a time or two will help to assess what is happening.

What Does the Seven of Swords Tarot Card Mean?

The Seven of Swords meaning is not necessarily a happy one. Some sneaky behavior could be to blame for life's mishaps.

Seven of Swords Tarot Keywords

The most honest Seven of Swords keywords are: mischief, fleeting, theft, evasion, & disloyalty.

Seven of Swords Upright Meaning

Beware of disloyalty and those who evade answering questions about your concerns.
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Curious about what message the universe is sending you? Proceed at your own discretion. Here is what the Seven of Swords upright suggests about love, money, & health.

Upright Health

Wellness complications are precarious and sometimes undetectable without proper testing. If you feel like something is off or awry, do not hesitate to research further as the source could be evading identification.

Upright Love

The Seven of Swords upright love is no "happy ending" omen, rather it implies unfaithfulness or mindful manipulation in a partnership. If you're single, then this could mean that potential prospects may be pretending so they can get what they want.

Upright Money & Career

Here's the unveiling of workplace drama. Was there an instance when you thought your coworkers attempted to ruin your reputation? This could be true. Watch out for fraudulent attempts that try to take your assets. 

Seven of Swords Reversed Meaning

Determination, a strong trust in yourself, and grit will have you on the road to success!
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It's time to take a fresh step forward with the Seven of Swords reversed. This alignment in a reading warns about those close to you and indicates a strong desire to trust in your intuition.

Reversed Health

In this orientation, try listening closely to your body. Sometimes our bodies have a way of telling us that something is going wrong before it gets worse. Don't ignore the symptoms!

Reversed Love

The Seven of Swords reversed love hints at an end of a difficult partnership. Someone, whether it be you or your partner, has not been open and true. This indicates that what has been hidden for so long will soon be brought into the light.

Reversed Money & Career

Again, don't trust those pesky coworkers that are scheming against you. This shows the strength and safety in seeking guidance, so reach out instead of trying to claw your way out. 

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