
Queen of Wands Meaning: Suit of Wands

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The Queen of Wands Tarot is life-giving, energetically speaking of course. Nothing will stand between you and the goals you have set.

What Does Queen of Wands Tarot Card Mean?

Queen of Wands meaning encourages you to act lively and have a glass-half-full mentality. No more sitting around!

Queen of Wands Tarot Keywords

Queen of Wands keywords: lively, dynamic, vibrant, spiritedness, and positivity.

Queen of Wands Upright Meaning

Juggling numerous tasks at once seems to come second nature to you!
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Queen of Wands upright alludes to a lively and curious persona. It also has deeper meanings in other areas that might pique your interest.

Upright Health

Wellness is flowing freely as your energies are balanced. Symptoms and ailments might clear up. Continue repeating daily health habits and routines since they seem to be working well.

Upright Love

Queen of Wands upright love symbolizes the pure energetic spark in a relationship or one you are considering entering. You could be attracting a person due to your open-mindedness and thrill for life, or you are seeking a partner with those same qualities.

Upright Money & Career

Can’t seem to put your numerous projects at work down? Well, that’s okay because you are handling things well in stride. Others might be looking to you right now for advice on how you are able to handle and rise through past adversities.

Queen of Wands Reversed Meaning

Other times, all those tasks can pile up and overwhelm you
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Queen of Wands reversed suggests that while you might want the most out of life, you might be pushing yourself and/or others a bit hard.

Reversed Health

Queen of Wands reversed health hints at a draining level of health. Low motivation to continue daily routines is showing in decreased mood and energy.

Reversed Love

Queen of Wands reversed love can be translated into the realization that putting yourself out there in the dating world might not be your best choice just yet. Alternately, it could also indicate you or your partner are suffering from lowered self-belief and senses of jealousy.

Reversed Money & Career

It is time to take a deep breath. The reversal of the Queen can indicate low motivation to continue working and even depletion. Frustrations at work and towards your financial situation aren't always avoidable, but don’t let them take over your mindset.

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