
monthly Career Horoscope for cancer

By Eugenia Stern April 2024
Overall Score: 8.6/10 First Third: Lists and Laughs Score: 8.4/10 Starting the month? Time to whip out those lists and maybe a new pen. Why not? You should list down tasks, big or small. Heck, even 'buying a new plant' counts. You shouldn't skip breaks or those moments to grab a snack and chuckle at a meme. Opportunities: Discovering that oddly satisfying feeling when ticking things off a list. Warnings: Don't forget to stretch; sitting too long isn't fun. Mid Month: Chat and Chill Score: 8.7/10 Mid-month vibes? It's all about catching up – with colleagues and maybe with that series you paused. You should chat with coworkers about work or the latest movie. It’s bonding time! You shouldn't miss out on sending that important email, even if there's a cliffhanger waiting for you. Opportunities: Learning something cool from a colleague. Did you know Steve can juggle? Warnings: Balance is key. All work or all play isn’t the way. Last Third: Wraps and Rewards Score: 9/10 Wrapping up the month feels good, especially when there’s maybe a treat at the end. You should review your accomplishments. Hey, that list from earlier? Look how much you've done! You shouldn't skip out on rewarding yourself. Cookie, anyone? Opportunities: That feeling of a job well done, with maybe a bonus treat from the cafe near work. Warnings: Pushing off today’s tasks to tomorrow. Tomorrow-you might not be thrilled. Overall: This month is all about the small wins, fun breaks, and those "ah-ha" moments during casual chats. It's work mixed with a bit of fun, a dash of relaxation, and a sprinkle of rewards.
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