
Opposite Yet Compatible

By Nataly Porter Dec 04, 2019
Everybody has heard that the opposites attract. However, it’s true not only about people – opposite zodiac signs can become a perfect couple, too! How to learn if you and your partner's signs are opposite and what to do with this information? Read on to find out!

Aries and Libra

Aries and Libra

When two completely different people meet, they start “completing” each other and manage to create a certain balance in their relationship that makes the life of both partners happier and brighter. If Aries and Libra make a romantic couple, they both work to their mutual benefit.

As Aires people are normally more aggressive, they can show their Libra partners how to become more self-confident and active. Libra guys, in their turn, care a lot about what other people feel and don’t want to hurt their close ones. Libra people can help their Aries partners decrease their level of selfishness and become more open.

Taurus and Scorpio

Taurus and Scorpio

When dating your opposite you may learn quite a lot of new things like, for example, how to slow down if you’re the type of person who’s constantly on the go. Taurus belongs to the Earth element and is very stable with a wish to please themselves whenever possible.

Scorpio, a Water sign, needs somebody else to feel happy. When together, these signs help each other in the way they can. While Scorpio shows his or her Taurus partner how cool it can be to be together and explore the world around together, Taurus demonstrates that it can be no less cool to enjoy some time alone. Such a partnership can be very sensual but only if are ready to give and take.

Cancer and Capricorn

Cancer and Capricorn

Although these signs are opposite on the zodiac circle, it’s not so hard for them as for the other couples mentioned in the article to attract each other. These two signs are both family- and security-oriented and strive for similar things in life.

However, the ways they follow to achieve their aims can be quite different. While Cancerians are more intuitive and nurturing, Caps are more pragmatic and hard-working. Together, this team is a great power.

Virgo and Pisces

Virgo and Pisces

Choosing someone of an opposite sign to be your partner opens lots of new opportunities and perspectives. Virgo and Pisces guys make a great example of such a case. When together, they feel they’re deeply spiritually connected. Virgo is an Earth sign and can help its Pisces significant other come to earth, too.

Virgo knows how to turn dreams and ideas into something that can generate value. Pisces can work the other way around – this sign motivates the Virgo partner to seek beyond everyday routine. Pisces can inspire others to think big and dream big, and Virgo is no exception. Together these guys can help those who strive for help and become stronger themselves.

Leo and Aquarius

Leo and Aquarius

Although Leo and Aquarius reps are a million miles away from each other, they are, in fact, different variants of the same theme. Leo is the ruler and the leader of the zodiac while Aquarius is the one who wants to free others from unnecessarily strict rules and other unwanted bonds. One of the most important aims for the signs’ reps who want to be together is to find a common aim, preferably a non-profit one, like veganism or saving whales.

Such altruistic goals will unite them and at the same time keep them interested in what they’re doing. Another contact point for Leo and Aquarius is their sex life. When they start to trust each other and learn from each other, their romantic partnership will move to a higher level, too.

Gemini and Sagittarius

Gemini and Sagittarius

Gemini and Sag make probably the best opposites-attract pair of all. Both signs are the truth-seekers which means they’ll always find some topics to discuss, be it teaching or learning, sharing or mere discussion. They love to think things over and if they love (or at least like) each other, too, this alliance can hardly be broken.

Still, it may take some time for them to get to know each other well and to start trusting each other. However, even if these signs fail to become great love partners, they can still become great friends and support each other throughout life.

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