

Dreams about Love

To see yourself naked in your dream presages scandals and unreasonable actions. To see other people naked means that in real life you are compelled to give up your beliefs and ideas. If in your dream, you suddenly find out that you are naked, it indicates that in real life you want to enjoy your guilty pleasures you are ashamed of. If a young woman is delighted at the beauty of her body, in reality she will draw the attention of many worthy men but will fail to build a strong relationship with any of them. If her body is ugly, she should beware of scandals. A dream in which you swim naked in a clear water pool presages forbidden but delightful love that may lead to troubles. If a woman sees naked men swimming in a clear water pool, she will have a lot of admirers. But if the water is dirty, one of her admirers will spread mean and evil rumors about her.

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