
Your March Horoscope

By Nataly Porter Mar 05, 2025
With March just around the corner, we all start anticipating the breath of Spring. Changes, changes, many changes are coming! Frustration and anxiety can haunt you during the month. Which signs will face the greatest transformations in March? Will they be positive or negative? Hurry up to learn – click on your sign for the details!

Get March Horoscope for your sign!


March 21 - April 19

In March, the area of friendship will be in the spotlight for Aries natives. It’s highly probable you’ll have to change plans connected to your friends. However, if you don’t worry too much, the situation will be successfully resolved. During the month, dear Aries, you’ll feel you need a faraway journey. The good news is that you can afford it if you manage to balance your responsibilities in the right way. Don’t waste your time on worries and thinking over your past mistakes. Instead, think of your bright future and the ways you can make it even brighter. 

Psst, don't forget to check out the meanings of the Tarot if you want to learn even more about your future!

March Horoscope for Aries


April 20 - May 20

During the month, you’ll have to concentrate on your career in general and your promotion in particular. You can expect some financial rewards from a partnership or inheritance. Outside sources of income can appear in March but will be connected with certain challenges and nervousness. You’ll have to decide what you need and want most – calmness or extra money. All in all, the month is going to be very harmonious and will make you more optimistic about the circumstances. If something keeps puzzling you just ask for clarification. One of your friends or acquaintances may come to the rescue and help you sort out possible confusion. 

How to attract abundance without stressing too much? Try this Tarot spread. 


May 21 - June 20

A lucky month for you, dear Gemini! A chance to travel can come out of nowhere and can be in some way connected with one of your old friends. Besides, an enjoyable situation is also possible under the circumstances. The financial matters during the month can be quite vague, and it can produce a negative effect as in March, your generosity can be called for. Make sure that you know everything about the matter before you give your money. Don’t hurry and avoid rash decisions as you can be too weak to cope with everything life sends you.

By the way, if you want to make better money-related decisions, this spread can help you attract abundance and explore your current financial situation!


June 21 - July 22

Certain slow but sure changes at work can cause unexpected results in the area of shared income for you. You’ll be happy to enjoy the peaceful job atmosphere so make sure you’re responsible enough to deserve all the goodies stars and your work environment send you. You can worry about the promotion chances. To avoid unwanted uneasiness, don’t be afraid of discussing things to reach a compromise or at least a better understanding. During the month, you’ll probably dream of a journey to exotic destinations. Decide for yourself what you really want – to achieve big aims or take some rest and just relax.  

What kind of changes at work can you expect? What to do to succeed? What would you like to change? Ask the Tarot here and get your answers!

March Horoscope for Cancer


July 23 - August 22

In March, marriage and partnerships will occupy the central position in your life, dear Leo. This area will attract much attention and bring you lots of amazing developments. Besides, you’ll notice you’re your brain works much faster than usual switching from one topic to another. A person who has always been a quiet part of your life may finally come forward bringing some responsibilities and lessons. This fact will make you feel more excited or probably nervous than before. After March 10th, some differences in opinion connected with your job are possible. No worries – they will all be resolved quite amicably. 


August 23 - September 22

Changes at work can make you change your mind quite often, too. Some endeavors you’ll start can turn out quite profitable. However, they can be surrounded by insecurities, which will require further negotiations. As for your family life, it’s going to be very quiet, peaceful, and harmonious. It will make you even more cautious in the matters that concern your sense of responsibility, especially when it concerns your shared income. Closer to the second half of the month, you’ll give more time to speculations and investments. You’ll also give more time to your career, especially the matters connected to its financial side. 


September 23 - October 23

This month, social activities are something your whole life will center around. You’ll probably decide to take a short trip, too. As this can come quite unexpectedly, you’ll have to spend quite a lot of time and effort discussing the matter with your mate or partner before you start the trip. The chances of it are the highest after March 15th. The communication lines are very harmoniously open in March, which will give you a good opportunity to change or solve the situation that has been long torturing you. Although your work life can be quite tough, too, you’ll find a way to adjust it to your needs, too. 2025 will bring new useful contacts and even alliances that will help you feel much better. 

Hey, here's a bonus for your sign. Learn the meanings of the Tarot here!

March Horoscope for Libra


October 24 - November 22

In March, your domestic affairs will come to the limelight and will be in this or that way connected to the changes that are currently taking place in your life. Thoughts about changing your location may come to your mind, too; moreover, you’ll get a chance to boost your income during the month. One of your bosses may change his or her attitude to you for the better; however, don’t forget that learning is to become an essential part of your promotion. Although the situation can cause some concerns and worries, in the end, the situation will turn out very favorable. 


November 23 - December 21

The month is going to be full of absurdity and indecision. If you want to have things done, you’ll have to compromise quite often. Jupiter will make you more social and talkative; on the other hand, Mars and Pluto will influence you as well adding even more stubbornness and aggression to your character. The career will not be as important in March for you, dear Sag, as it used to be – instead, domestic affairs come to the forefront. Try to spend more time with your life partner. Single Sagittarians can enjoy the period after March 20th as the chances to meet the significant other will increase during the period.


December 22 - January 19

March will bring you some conflicts between you and your friends and family members, dear Capricorn. These conflicts will be caused by the special position of planets but will help you understand life better. As the planetary strength is concentrated in the southern part of your chart, career-related matters will take a back seat. As Venus will go retrograde, no significant career changes are expected. However, Caps will see a good chance to form plans that are connected with their job and fulfill them in the future. In 2025, stars advise you to give time both to yourself and to the happiness of others. Love life will be both romantic and passionate. 

About your love life... Are you and your partner REALLY compatible? See here. 

March Horoscope for Capricorn


January 20 - February 19

In March, Aquarians will strive for independence. Your personal interests will be more important than the interests of others. Compromise is not as important during the month as it used to be before. With the majority of planets in the southern part of the chart, domestic issues will possess a bigger significance than job-related issues. Mars and Venus will affect your love life and your marriage adding more passion to your relationship. Thanks to Mercury, the relationship will become more stable and balanced. Single people may accidentally fall in love with somebody they used to like before. 


February 20 - March 20

March is going to be rather cheerful for Pisces natives. However, you’ll hardly experience strong emotions and can sometimes behave rather thoughtlessly. You’ll concentrate more on your problems making others wait. Emotional stability and family issues will be more important during the month than career and communication with friends. In the second half of March, Pisces natives can become interested either in a house redecoration or in purchasing new accommodation. When it comes to love, Mars and Venus will influence you, dear Pisces, adding much more romance and passion to your relationship. You’ll finally be able to connect freely with your spouse. Single Pisces will have more chances to meet a special one and may easily fall in love in March.

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