
Why He's Cheating on You, Based on His Zodiac Sign

By Nataly Porter Sep 19, 2024
We all want to believe the stars have our backs, but when it comes to cheating, the zodiac might have more to say than you think. From the fiery Aries to the mysterious Pisces, every sign has its cosmic temptations. Let's dig into why he might be sneaking around based on his zodiac sign—and don't worry, we'll keep it fun, spicy, and very revealing!

What makes him cheat, according to his sign?

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Aries cheating
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Why he's cheating: Aries craves excitement and action. If he feels like the relationship has turned into a routine, he will start looking for his next adrenaline rush elsewhere. Consider him an action hero who can't resist a new adventure. He's not great at staying still for long, which sometimes means he's drawn to the forbidden. Spontaneity is his middle name, but that impulsiveness also means he can stumble into situations before thinking about the consequences. Keep things lively, or he might just chase that thrill with someone new.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Why he's cheating: Taurus is loyal—until he's not. While he loves comfort and stability, this sign also has a secret weakness for luxury and indulgence. If someone new comes along offering sweet words, finer things, and physical pampering, he might get lured away. Think of him as a foodie who can't resist trying that new dish, even though he knows his favorite restaurant is still around. He's not one to stray lightly, but if the temptation is wrapped up in sensual pleasures, it's hard for him to say no.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Why he's cheating: Gemini gets bored fast. He's the guy at a party talking to everyone in the room. He craves mental stimulation, and if your conversations start to feel like reruns, he might start searching for someone who can keep up with his ever-changing mind. Variety is the spice of life for Gemini, and if he feels like you're only offering one flavor, he'll find someone who serves up something new. One day, he's all about you; the next, he's chasing someone with a more mysterious backstory.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Cancer cheating
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Why he's cheating: Cancer doesn't stray easily, but when he does, it's usually because he feels neglected or emotionally hurt. This sign craves deep emotional bonds, and if he's not getting that TLC from you, he might turn to someone else who's ready to offer a sympathetic ear (and more). Cancers cheat when they feel unloved, and once they've crossed that line, they do it with a heavy heart. His emotional sensitivity means he's easily drawn to someone who makes him feel like a priority.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Why he's cheating: Leo loves being the center of attention, and if he feels like he's not getting enough admiration from you, he might start searching for an audience elsewhere. This sign thrives on praise, and if someone new starts fawning over him, he's tempted to soak it all up. Leo doesn't cheat quietly—he'll likely want you to notice what you're missing. He wants to feel like a king, and if you're not constantly boosting his ego, someone else will happily step in with compliments and attention.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Why he's cheating: Virgo is usually practical and reliable, but even he can stray when things get too chaotic or imperfect. If the relationship feels like a mess, or if you're not living up to his (admittedly high) standards, he might start looking for someone who fits his idealized picture. Virgo cheats because he's seeking perfection—whether it's an illusion or not. He might convince himself that this new person "just gets him" better, but deep down, he's running from the flaws he can't fix.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Libra cheating
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Why he's cheating: Libra is all about balance and harmony, but he also has a hard time saying no—especially when it comes to flattery. If someone comes along making him feel like the most charming person in the room, Libra's indecision could lead him down the wrong path. He cheats because he's too focused on keeping everyone happy. This sign hates conflict, so ironically, he might cheat just to avoid an uncomfortable conversation with you. He's a people-pleaser, and sometimes that goes too far.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Why he's cheating: Scorpio is intense, passionate, and a little bit secretive by nature. When he cheats, it's not because of boredom but because he feels emotionally unfulfilled or betrayed. If you've hurt him, even unknowingly, Scorpio is likely to seek revenge by indulging in a secret affair. He's not doing it just for fun—he's doing it to even the score. His mysterious side means he'll keep it hidden for as long as possible, and you'll only find out if he wants you to know.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Why he's cheating: Sagittarius is a wanderer by heart. He loves his freedom and the thrill of discovery, which sometimes includes new romantic possibilities. This sign cheats because he's restless, constantly chasing new experiences. If the relationship feels like it's holding him back or getting too serious, Sagittarius will be tempted to explore elsewhere. He'll justify it as part of his endless quest for truth and adventure, leaving you wondering what happened to the free-spirited guy you once knew.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Capricorn cheating
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Why he's cheating: Capricorn is typically responsible and goal-oriented, but when he cheats, it's often because of status. If someone offers him a leg up in his career or social standing, Capricorn might just throw his loyalty out the window. He's drawn to power and success, and if cheating gets him closer to his ambitions, he might take the risk. Capricorn isn't one to be reckless, but he can justify it in the name of getting ahead. It's not about love—it's about winning the game of life.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Why he's cheating: Aquarius values independence and unconventional thinking, sometimes leading him to believe that traditional relationship rules don't apply to him. He cheats because he craves freedom and doesn't want to feel tied down. If he feels like the relationship is limiting his individuality, he'll rebel by seeking out someone who shares his sense of adventure. Aquarius doesn't cheat out of malice—he just genuinely believes that love should have no boundaries, even if that means breaking your heart.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Why he's cheating: Pisces is a dreamer, and when reality gets too harsh, he'll retreat into a fantasy—sometimes with someone else. He cheats because he's seeking an emotional escape from the problems in his current relationship. This sign tends to fall into infidelity when he feels misunderstood or unloved, drifting toward someone who offers him the emotional connection he's missing. Pisces might not even realize he's cheating at first—he's just caught up in a whirlwind of feelings and romance.


Whether it's for attention, excitement, or emotional connection, each zodiac sign has its own reasons for wandering eyes. But don't worry—the stars can guide us back, too! Just remember, the zodiac might explain some things, but at the end of the day, communication is always key. Keep it real, and maybe you won't need to check his star sign next time!

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