In astrology, there are many instruments able to tell us if certain signs are lucky or not in the given year. Want to check if your sign is lucky enough in 2020 to achieve its aims and makes its dreams come true? Find the list of signs put in the order of the possibility of a lucky year for them below and see if you’re going to be successful this year or not!
How Stars Affect Us in 2020

The Universe keeps moving constantly; stars and planets move, too, bringing energy and luck to this or that constellation and this or that group of people. Beams of energy are sent to all corners of space around us including the Earth and we can already know what to expect soon and get prepared for all the fortunes and misfortunes in good time.
Talking about luck and fortune in 2020, it’s always Jupiter that we keep in mind. The planet is considered a symbol of luck, the one who sends gifts to people. It means that if Jupiter enters your sign you can be ready to celebrate as good news is coming soon.
Jupiter entered Capricorn on December 3, 2019, and will stay in the area of the sign for two and a half years. However, there is some bad news, too – Saturn has already spent two years in Capricorn and will remain there for one more year. Saturn is generally considered a planet of “bad luck” (although not only, it also teaches you and helps create a firm foundation for future success).
Taking into account all these facts, which signs are luckier than others in 2020 and which ones will have to arm themselves with patience.
Luckiest and Unluckiest Signs of 2020

Here’s a list of zodiac signs from the UNLUCKIEST to the LUCKIEST one:
- Cancer
- Libra
- Aries
- Gemini
- Aquarius
- Leo
- Sagittarius
- Scorpio
- Pisces
- Taurus
- Virgo
- Capricorn
Sign with the worst luck #1: Cancer

Dear Cancer, please brace yourself. Jupiter staying in the opposition to Saturn will make things harder than usual, especially when it comes to projects and endeavors. Some people will have the urge to come out of nowhere and demean you. Be ready to fight for your freedom of thoughts and actions and not pay too much attention to what they say and what they do.
In 2020, spare no time working on your intuition. Believe in your great inner strength but don’t let yourself easily believe in everything. Be especially careful with financial investments and don’t trust people until it’s proved they’re not going to do you any harm.
Sign with the worst luck #2: Libra

As Jupiter and Saturn will form a quadrature in Aries, Libra people should be no less careful than those born under Cancer. It will bring you some bad luck so try to avoid things that are in any way connected with luck or taking risks like money investments or starting a new business or risky endeavor.
Some problems are expected in another sphere of your life, too, dear Libra. Your ruling planet, Venus, will go retrograde in Libra in Scorpio which means love moments will not be too sweet in 2020, especially in the second half of the year. Make sure you have your eyes open and not trust every new person who enters your life. False promises and love vows are possible so be even more attentive than usual.
Sign with the worst luck #3: Aries

With Jupiter in Capricorn, the position of planets is the worst when it comes to luck. You’ll feel like all your plans and projects are blocked and it’s too hard to find a reasonable way out. To make things worse, every step you take will lead to further instability.
Stars advise you in 2020 to take the minimum to no efforts to significant changes. Scams are also possible so stay as far from risky financial investments as possible. It also concerns small trips and big journeys – there are big chances you get into an accident or get sick during one of them.
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