
November Horoscope

By Nataly Porter Nov 13, 2023
Fall has finally come into own in our country bringing all its chill, darkness, short days, and autumnal melancholy. What does this November mean to you, what changes will it add to your life, will it make your life happier or sadder? Scroll to your sign to find out!


Your ruling planet, Mars, will continue going retrograde in Taurus which may somehow spoil your plans concerning your property and income. Despite the fact you may not have enough energy, Venus will help you cope with all possible issues. The planet will transfer into the area of your zodiac chart connected with your profession or career which will encourage others to treat you favorably. During the month, those in a higher position at your job will cooperate with you successfully and will give consent to all your endeavors. In the year to come, Jupiter will remain in Scorpio, and you’ll get opportunities to benefit financially in some way. 


Mars will still go retrograde in your sign reducing the level of your energy. As you’ve been rather busy lately you may have failed to notice it before, but little by little, you start to realize you need some rest to move further. The good news is that your planetary ruler, Venus, is entering the area of your chart connected with journeys, both physical and mental, and broadening your horizons. This makes November an attractive period for a long holiday at some distant (or probably closer) place. The month is also good for meeting new people from different fields of life. In the year to come, as Jupiter is traveling through the love and partnership area of your chart, you’ll have heaps of opportunities to bring your close relationships to a higher level. 

Want to learn more about your future, dear Taurean? See your in-depth reading here. 


Your planetary ruler, Mercury, will stay in the love and partnership sector of your chart giving you a chance to discuss every single issue openly. It will help you understand each other better and build a stronger connection with your love partner. However, Mercury will turn retrograde in the middle of November, bringing some confusion to your communication. As Jupiter is moving through the area of your chart related to your workplace or your diet you will have many chances to improve all these areas and become a better professional or just a healthier person. The New Moon that will take place on November 26th denotes a new beginning – you may start a new job or change your attitude to your health. 

By the way, don't forget to check out your daily love horoscope for more info about the future of your relationship!


November for Cancer

With Venus moving extremely close to Capricorn, the period is especially favorable for your romantic relationship, dear Cancerian. However, it works not only with love – you’ll find the right balance in all your close connections. You’ll understand your partner better and will learn to understand his or her needs better, too. November will make your relationship more productive than ever before. Besides, the New Moon at the end of the month will encourage you to start a creative endeavor or even a new love affair. As Jupiter enters the creativity area of your chart, too, you’ll enjoy multiple opportunities to display your creative skills or even do something truly grandiose. And if you need help choosing your opportunities, check out this spread. 


As Mars will go retrograde in the area of your chart related to your professional life and your public persona, the period may be pretty hard for ambitious Leos. You may strive for better results but fail to achieve them because of the unfavorable moment. However, it doesn’t mean you have to give up. The work you’re putting in right now will surely pay off sooner or later. As Venus moves into Capricorn, the relationship with your workmates will become much easier and therefore, all work-related matters are going to improve, too. The New Moon in Scorpio promises some changes and new beginnings in your home and family life. You can expect anything – from an expanded family to improvements in living conditions. 

Want to learn more about your future? Check out your karmic prediction. 


November for Virgo

Your planetary ruler Mercury will spend the major part of the month in the home and family-related area of your zodiac chart. You’ll finally be able to discuss anything openly with your close ones which will help you reach a new level of understanding. The New Moon and Jupiter, both located in Scorpio, will bring many chances to change your life in some way – it can be moving to a new place or making new friends. With Mars going retrograde in Taurus, you’ll concentrate your energy on foreign matters like traveling or meeting new people. Be patient – although it may seem some things will never be resolved, in the end, they will. 

This month, you will need to make several important decisions. Pick your cards HERE to find out which choices will bring success and luck!


As Mars is retrograde in Taurus, you’ve been fighting for something that, in fact, belongs to you but probably without resolution. In December, things will go much more smoothly, but now the New Moon in Scorpio tells you that you can start something totally new in the area in which your property or income is concerned. Jupiter will stay in Scorpio for the whole year, however, giving you plenty of opportunities to boost your income. Be careful, though – a money flow is not the only thing Jupiter brings. Extravagance is the thing you should be aware of, too, so try to keep investing your money wisely so as not to lose more than you’ve gained.  

This is a great month for attracting amazing financial opportunities. Enter your name and pick your cards here to find out how to start earning more!


November for Scorpio

Jupiter is in your sign in the year to come, which means you enter a totally new period connected with personal growth and self-development. Besides, the importance of the moment can’t be underestimated – you’ll start the right way that will last for the long 12 years. The New Moon that will occur closer to the end of the month will encourage you to make a fresh start. On the other hand, with Mars staying in Taurus, certain tension in your relationship with your close friends is possible. As Mars still goes retrograde, it can be pretty tough working on some joint projects. However, there is at least one thing you can be sure of – November will bring you lots of fun as well as productive communication with your friends. 

You can predict your future by yourself, by the way. You just need TEA. See how it works!


Mars will keep going retrograde in Taurus, causing certain tension in your professional area or in the wellness area of your chart. You may start believing that the problems you’re facing right now will never come to an end, but the Full Moon in the middle of the month will bring some relief, changing things for the better. In the second half of the month, Mercury will turn retrograde in your sign, which may lead to some misunderstandings in your communication with others. Delays in journeys are possible, too, so if you’re planning a trip, make sure you’re going to have more than enough time for it. To crown it all, Jupiter is spending the coming year in Scorpio, making you more compassionate towards others. This quality will help you explore yourself better.

There will be some misunderstandings in your life this month. But will they harm your relationships with others? How strong are your connections? See here!


November for Capricorn

Venus will be traveling to your sign closer to the beginning of the month, making your personality more open. You’ll decide to be kinder to others and to compromise more often to maintain harmony in your soul. Jupiter remaining in Scorpio during the year to come will make your friends even closer to you and will make any type of group work more productive than ever. Making new good friends seems a good idea, too; besides, the New Moon at the end of the month will attract more people to your life. Your plans for the future will also become a very important part of your everyday routine in November. 


Mars still goes retrograde in Taurus, making it a bit harder for your plans concerning your family and home to come true. However, the Full Moon that will occur in the middle of the month will bring some resolution and release the existing tension. Even before this, the New Moon will join Jupiter in the area of your chart related to your public and professional life. It means that the world will soon see you in a quite different light! The influence of the biggest planet in the Solar system will help you achieve what you’ve been striving for, whether it’s public recognition, a promotion at work, or making good connections with your colleagues. The end of the month, aided by an alignment between Jupiter and your planetary ruler, Uranus, is going to bring you positive financial changes.

How exactly will your financial situation change? How to take advantage of your opportunities? Enter your name HERE, learn your future, and find out how healthy your financial habits are!


November for Pisces

The New Moon that will take place at the end of the month will take place in the area of your chart connected with the understanding of the world and your own life. It means you can try something new in traveling, education, or philosophy. Jupiter will stay in the same area of your chart, too, giving you more chances to expand your knowledge. As Uranus will align with Jupiter in your sign at the end of the month, new horizons will open for those born under your sign. Your new life is beginning, so it’s no wonder you’re gradually becoming impatient about your everyday routine. 

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