
The Basics of Numerology: How Numbers Affect Your Life

By Eugenia Oct 01, 2019
Discover what multi-digit numbers can mean for your sign!

In numerology, a multi-digit number is usually reduced to a single-digit – it’s easier to interpret it this way. But multi-digit numbers do have their own unique meanings. Each of them has its own vibes, features, and potential. Time to find out how they affect you and shape future!


Number 10 meaning 🔟


The number 10 has infinite potential. If you have the number 10 in a major position in your numerology chart, you probably tend to be a self-determined person. You feel an urge to explore and feel comfortable being alone. In fact, you prefer being alone to participating in social activities. The number also contains the ideas of independence, wholeness, and liberty in all its aspects. The number urges you to have an ardent approach to achieve your goals. With the help of the number’s vibes, you can accomplish everything without relying on others.

Number 11 meaning 

The essence of the number 11 is developed and strong intuition. 11 is a very important spiritual number; it is charismatic and dynamic. The number also fits easily into the role of teaching. It is very important for the number’s energy to have interaction to exist: teamwork and cooperation are vital. To understand the number’s core, you need to imagine independence while being part of a team; aloneness, yet coexisting. It is pulled toward both independence and teamwork, both aloneness and coexisting. The number’s energy also represents the ideas of dynamism and charm.

Number 12 meaning


The main thing about the number 12 is creativity – it makes up the core of the number’s energy. It is especially creative in expressing its unique thoughts and its individuality. The number also bears the ideas of optimism, inspiration, exploration, and self-expression. The energy of the number is social and artistic in nature. Its optimism is often transmitted to others. The number’s tolerance extends to everyone around it except those who tend to suppress its creativity. To understand the essence of 12, you need to imagine being self-sufficient and a creative ability that lets you express your thoughts.

Number 13 meaning

The number 13’s essence is based on focus and pragmatism. The main focus of the number is building a secure foundation for the future. The number’s energy is able to express itself creatively, but practicality is more important for it. 13 is self-determined and tends to achieve its goals without relying on others. When 13 determines its goals, it pursues them with diligence. The number is also a realist: it pursues its goals in a pragmatic manner. The number’s energy is also based on independence and creativity.

Number 14 meaning


The numerology number 14’s energy is based on expressing personal freedom, including self-determination. The number’s energy makes you curious about everything. Usually, the number has just one or two self-assigned goals, but it is easily distracted by other interests. However, it tends to come back to its goals after it’s no longer interested in anything else. If you have 14 in a major position in your numerology chart, you are probably comfortable with interacting with others and tend to be a leader. Leading others pleases 14, but it doesn’t look for the position actively.

Number 15 meaning

The numerology number 15 is associated with family and harmony. If the number 15 is in a major position in your numerology chart, you probably tend to be in the forefront of innovation in the home. 15 is often very curious and pursues some specific goals. The number also tend to be concerned about others. Nurturing others is very important for the number’s energy and essence. The main ideas of the number are family, comfort, harmony, and curiosity. The number 15 creates its own rules to achieve harmony. Family is very important, too: it is necessary for 15 to feel life is complete.

Number 16 meaning


The numerology number 16 is based on introspection. Its energy is also connected with wisdom and intuition. The number tends to be both spiritual and analytical: it’s a philosopher who can easily convince others. If you have the number 16 in a major position in your numerology chart, you probably tend to find answers within from a well of ancient wisdom. Its energy is also based on perfectionism. 16 is self-determined and confident with its inner wisdom. This number may make it easier for you to find viable solutions and answers. Scientific analysis is one of the many talents of the number’s energy.

Number 17 meaning

The numerology number 17 is connected with business: it represents the energy of business in all its aspects. Business is a tool it uses to accomplish personal goals. If you have the number 17 in a major position in your numerology chart, you usually tend to build things intended to last for generations, whether material or social. Another thing that is extremely important for 17 is free will and freedom in general. The number 17’s energy is also associated with efficiency and independence. The number 17 is an effective manager; it is independent and makes its own decisions and takes responsibility for them.

Number 18 meaning


The numerology number 18 is associated with humanitarianism and building something that will last for many generations. One of the main ideas of the number is the welfare of humanity. The number is tolerate and compassionate; it cares about others. Nurturing is very important for the number’s essence. 18 decides what its goals are and what it should do to achieve them – but its decisions tend to be partially based on ideas and agreements arrived at during earlier consultations with others. Another major idea of the number is philanthropy; the number’s energy is charitable, worldly, and sophisticated.

Number 19 meaning

The numerology number 19’s energy and essence are associated with both starting and finishing (because the number 1 is a starter, while the number 9 is a finisher). What the number starts and finishes is usually determined by itself rather than being determined by some other people’s decisions and thoughts. The number’s essence is self-determined and focused on itself. The number tends to decide for itself what should and what should not be done for humanity. The number’s energy is also often associated with aloneness: sometimes it feels alone even when it interacts with others. The number’s essence also contains the ideas of drive, exploration, compassion, tolerance, and enthusiasm.

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