What's your sign's plant?
March 21 - April 19
Fiery Aries is mostly associated with plants that are a dangerous red color, that has grown thorns and prickles to protect their sprigs, or that taste hot or bitter. The sign of Aries rules the upper part of the body, mainly the head, the face, and the eyes, so the most suitable plants for Aries are the ones that have high iron content, help to purify the blood, and improve the functioning of adrenal glands.
Fruit and Veggies: Chinese cabbage, chives, garlic, horseradish, leeks, mustard, onion, radishes, red pepper, rhubarb
Blossoms: amaryllis, anise hyssop, calendula, cowslip, geranium, hollyhock, impatiens, poppies, red roses, tiger lily, tulips
Herbs: burdock root, cayenne, coriander, gentian, ginger, hops, marjoram, milk thistle, nettles, red clover, sarsaparilla, St. John's wort, tarragon, wormwood, yarrow, yellow dock

April 20 - May 20
Ruled by romantic Venus, Taurus is associated with flowers of outstanding beauty and a pronounced scent. Taurus rules the ears and the throat, so the plants that have soothing qualities will be perfect for the sign. As Taureans often indulge in fine foods, plants that help to settle the stomach and calm the intestines will also come in handy.
Fruit and Veggies: apple, apricot, artichoke, fig, gourds, grape, olive, peas, pomegranate, potatoes, spinach, strawberry, sweet potatoes
Blossoms: aster, columbine, daisies, daisy, foxglove, geranium, larkspur, lilac, lilies, lily of the valley, rose, sweet pea, sweet William, violet
Herbs: angelica, anise hyssop (Venus), dandelion, fenugreek, feverfew, lavender, licorice, mallow, marshmallow, sage, slippery Elm, thyme, vervain, yarrow
May 21 - June 20
Ruled by the social Mercury, Gemini is associated with plants whose leaves and/or stems are divided. The reason for it is that the sign of Gemini rules the lungs, shoulders, arms, and hands, and divided leaves and stems resemble these paired organs of the body. Plants with velvety leaves and delicate scents are perfect for Gemini as well. All in all, Gemini will benefit from the plants that are good for the lungs and the nervous system.
Fruit and Veggies: carrots, endive, oats, parsnips
Blossoms: azalea, chrysanthemum, daffodil, honeysuckle, lilac, lily-of-the-valley, orchid
Herbs: dill, elecampane, fennel, fenugreek, hyssop, lavender, lemon balm, licorice, lobelia, meadowsweet, mullein, skullcap, valerian, vervain, woodbine, yarrow
June 21 - July 22
Ruled by the mysterious Moon, Cancer is associated with plants whose blossoms are white or pale yellow, whose leaves are soft, meaty, or moon-shaped. As Cancer rules the diaphragm, stomach, breasts, and liver, plants that can soothe the digestive system or help to connect with the subconscious are the best for the sign.
Fruit and Veggies: apple, banana, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cantaloupe, cauliflower, cucumber, endive, gourds, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce, mango, mushroom, pear, pumpkin, seaweed, squash, sweet potato, turnip, watercress, watermelon
Blossoms: daisy, geranium, hyssop, jasmine, lily, lotus, morning glory, opium poppy, water lilies, white roses
Herbs: agrimony, chickweed, lemon balm, papaya leaf, parsley, peppermint, spearmint, verbena

July 23 - August 22
Ruled by the hot Sun, fiery Leo, in its turn, rules the heart. It is usually associated with plants that are big, have heart-shaped leaves and are from gold to orange in color. The best plants for Leo are those that can help the BP and keep Leo’s spirits high.
Fruit and Veggies: Chinese cabbage, coconut, collards, corn, grapefruit, mustard, okra, olive, orange, peppers, pineapple, Swiss chard
Blossoms: anise hyssop, aster, calendula, crocus, dahlia, heliotrope, larkspur, marigolds, passionflower, peony, poppy, sunflower
Herbs: angelica, anise, borage, celandine, chamomile, dill, eyebright, fennel, ginger, hawthorn, lavender, mint, motherwort, parsley, rosemary, saffron, St. John's wort
August 23 - September 22
Ruled by Mercury, earthly Virgo is associated with autumn and harvesting. Virgo is usually associated with plants that have finely divided stems or leaves, tender scents, and tiny, yet bright blossoms. The best plants for Virgo are those high in potassium, as they help to settle the nerves.
Fruit, Veggies and Grains: barley, carrots, endive, millet oats, parsnips, rye, wheat
Blossoms: all brightly colored small flowers (particularly blue or yellow), aster, chrysanthemum, narcissus, violet
Herbs: blackberry (leaves and root), dill, fennel, fenugreek, lavender, licorice, marjoram, parsley, plantain, skullcap, St. John's wort, valerian, woodbine
September 23 - October 23
Ruled by gentle Venus, Libra is associated with light, pretty blossoms that have sophisticated scents. As the sign of Libra rules the adrenal glands and the kidneys, the best plants for this sign are those beneficial for these organs.
Fruit and Veggies: apple, apricot, artichoke, broccoli, eggplant, fig, grape, olive, peas, plum, pomegranate, spinach, strawberry, sweet potato, watercress
Blossoms: aster, columbine, daisy, freesia, gardenia, gladiolus, hydrangea, nasturtium, orchid, pansy, primrose, rose, tea roses, tuberose, violet
Herbs: angelica, cleavers, corn silk, juniper, mint, parsley, thyme, uva ursi, vervain, yarrow

October 24 - November 22
Ruled by the collaboration of Mars and Pluto, Scorpio is usually associated with the plants that grow underground or in some remote places only. They are mostly covered with thorns, have red leaves or blossoms, and grow in a hostile environment. The sign of Scorpio rules the reproductive system, so the best plants will be those regulating the hormones and the menstrual cycle, boosting fertility and helping during pregnancy and childbirth.
Fruit and Veggies: chives, garlic, horseradish, leek, mushroom, mustard, onions, pepper, radish, rhubarb
Blossoms: anemone, black-eyed Susan, calendula, gardenia, geranium, heather, hibiscus, holly, honeysuckle, peony, rhododendron, scarlet monkeyflower
Herbs: Aloe vera, basil, coriander, cramp bark, gentian, ginger, ginseng, pennyroyal, raspberry leaf, saw palmetto, wormwood
November 23 - December 21
Sagittarius is mostly associated with plants that are large in size and easily noticeable, just like its ruling planet Jupiter. The best plants for Sagittarius have a pleasing scent and are rich in silica, as well as those supporting the liver and encouraging positive thinking.
Fruits and Veggies: asparagus, beets, endive, olive, rhubarb, tomato, turnip, watercress
Blossoms: anise hyssop, calendula, carnations, clematis, crocus, jasmine, peony, pinks, red roses
Herbs: anise, dandelion, feverfew, horsetail, mint, nutmeg, Oregon grape root, sage, sage, wild yam
December 22 - January 19
Ruled by ringed Saturn, Capricorn is not associated with beautiful blossoms. Its plants are woody and knotty; they taste bitter and/or have an unpleasant smell, but live long. Capricorn’s plants have visible annual rings, just like the planet ruling the sign. The sign of Capricorn rules bones and teeth, as well as knees and other joints, so the best plants for it are those rich in calcium.
Fruits and Veggies: barley, beets, mushroom, parsnips, rye, spinach
Blossoms: African violet, baby's breath, black poppy, calendula, henbane, jasmine, love-lies-bleeding, nightshade, pansy, snowdrop
Herbs: comfrey, horsetail, kava kava, mullein, rue, sarsaparilla, shepherd's purse, thyme

January 20 - February 19
Ruled by eccentric Uranus, Aquarius is associated with unconventional plants that grow in strange places and have a peculiar appearance. The best plants for Aquarius are the ones that help to find inspiration, settle the nerves, and improve blood circulation.
Fruit and Veggies: barley, beets, parsnip, rye, spinach
Blossoms: bird of paradise, gladiolus, orchid, trillium
Herbs: aloe, catnip, chamomile, cinnamon, frankincense, hops, kava kava, myrrh, passionflower, skullcap, spikenard, valerian
February 20 - March 20
Ruled by two equally powerful planets Jupiter and Neptune, the Water sign of Pisces is often associated with rare, yet very large plants, especially those growing close to the ocean. The best plants for Pisces are the ones that help boost immunity and attention, and those that have antiseptic qualities.
Fruits and Veggies: Asparagus, beets, endive, mushroom, olive, rhubarb, seaweed, tomato, watercress
Blossoms: anise hyssop, calendula, clematis, jasmine, lilac, lilac, narcissus, orchid, poppy, water lily, wisteria
Herbs: anise, chaparral, Echinacea, eyebright, goldenseal, kava kava, mugwort, nutmeg, oat straw, skullcap, yarrow
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