
What The Next Twelve Months of Your Life Will Look Like Based On Your Zodiac

By Eugenia Jul 15, 2024
Looks like the next 12 months will be pretty wild for all of us. Check out what's in store for your Zodiac sign. It'll make any unexpected events easier to handle and give you the confidence to keep pushing forward!


What The Next Twelve Months of Your Life Will Look Like Based On Your Zodiac
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JULY TO SEPTEMBER: Change is on the horizon, and you may hesitate. But trust me, you won't be able to resist forever (this sounds scarier than I intended, sorry). The perfect person is about to sweep you off your feet, even if you think you don’t want to be in a relationship again.

OCTOBER TO DECEMBER: Get ready for some serious love! You will finally understand what it is, and these last few months will be the happiest for you.

JANUARY TO MARCH: Destroy (or remove) everything that oppresses you. Run far, run fast.

APRIL TO JUNE: If you manage to escape, don't beat yourself up about it too much. Think about your past and pat yourself on the back for how far you've come.

By the way... don't forget to use THIS to attract abundance. Just type your name and pick 9 cards to analyze your life and see how to become more successful. 


JULY TO SEPTEMBER: Make sure to embrace change, even if it means losing certain people. You don’t need them. Trust me, the right people will still be on your side.

OCTOBER TO DECEMBER: As this year draws to a close, you will wake up (spiritually) and begin to prepare for the coming year.

JANUARY TO MARCH: Trying to look for external sources of happiness is not really working, is it. True satisfaction can only be found within yourself.

APRIL TO JUNE: The feeling of emptiness is natural. It’s actually a sign of the need for transformation.


What The Next Twelve Months of Your Life Will Look Like Based On Your Zodiac
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JULY TO SEPTEMBER: Time for reflection! Take note of how far you've come and use that as a motivation boost to keep pushing for improvement. You can achieve a lot. 

OCTOBER TO DECEMBER: Yes, you have made significant progress, but you may come to the realization that someone you loved has been left behind. Use this as a lesson to prioritize those who matter to you most.

JANUARY TO MARCH: As you enter this year feeling great, you look forward to what's next. While your career may be a top priority for you, it may be time to consider investing in a romantic relationship.

APRIL TO JUNE: Someone may be lying to you. Beware of toxic and dishonest people!

All secrets out! Find out who may be toxic to you, learn how OTHERS see you, and discover your hidden thoughts!


JULY TO SEPTEMBER: During these months, your romantic relationships will flourish.

OCTOBER TO DECEMBER: Some unexpected events (that you can’t even control) may shake you up. However, those who truly love you and appreciate you will remain next to you, and everything will eventually fall into place.

JANUARY TO MARCH: Love can surprise you when you least expect it during these months.

APRIL TO JUNE: Expect some significant advances and progress in your career – someone may bring excellent ideas or opportunities into your life.


What The Next Twelve Months of Your Life Will Look Like Based On Your Zodiac
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JULY TO SEPTEMBER: Past romantic interests may resurface, and it’s time to decide whether to develop them or maintain the status quo. However, that person may say something that will trigger the realization that you still harbor feelings for them.

OCTOBER TO DECEMBER: This was a challenging year, and you're thinking about it. Stop overthinking – instead, relax and let yourself unwind. You don’t need stress or anxiety. 

JANUARY TO MARCH: You may have a premonition that something will go totally wrong, but you cannot determine what exactly. However, remember that you survived something even scarier than this and came out unscathed.

APRIL TO JUNE: Your luck may experience some fluctuations. An important event will happen, and that will determine the course of the second half of this year.

Is there toxicity in your life? How do others see you? Are some of your relationships unhealthy? Just pick ten cards here to analyze your life.


JULY TO SEPTEMBER: You’re not seeking love or romance in your life, but you may eventually succumb to their allure. Despite your doubts, THAT person understands your desires and refuses to give up.

OCTOBER TO DECEMBER: You may come to the realization that you’re in love. Although you may hesitate to say these words out loud, you will find yourself in a real relationship, and you will have someone you can spend the holidays with, bringing joy and easing past pains.

JANUARY TO MARCH: Your wounds will continue healing. You will feel that you’re becoming less anxious. There’s balance and harmony in your life.

APRIL TO JUNE: You may meet unusual people who will help you learn something valuable. They also may bring important opportunities to your life. 


What The Next Twelve Months of Your Life Will Look Like Based On Your Zodiac
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JULY TO SEPTEMBER: This year is testing your resilience. You may have lost something important this year. It's hard to walk away from something (or someone) that once mattered so much.

OCTOBER TO DECEMBER: You may become hopeful when a new person – a special person – enters your life. You deserve to be happy, and the past shouldn’t keep you from pursuing it.

JANUARY TO MARCH: These months bring new opportunities, but don't forget to value the small steps you've already made. Each milestone is worthy of recognition!

APRIL TO JUNE: You may be in a new relationship that is getting serious, and these months bring a welcome surprise. Your past pains are leaving you. 

Want to learn more about your future, your love life, and your career? Your comprehensive 2023 horoscope is HERE. See what to expect!


JULY TO SEPTEMBER: Now, you may have a clear vision of what you want to achieve. There is hard work ahead, but you’re ready to take it on with a focused and purposeful attitude.

OCTOBER TO DECEMBER: You have probably achieved your goal, and you’re feeling happy and satisfied. Even though you feel exhausted, a new obstacle may arise, so keep moving forward.

JANUARY TO MARCH: Love is in the air, and you may say (or someone will say to you) these special three words. You tend to run away from love, but it’s probably been too long since you've experienced those emotions.

APRIL TO JUNE: Your life goes according to the plan that you have come up with, but an obstacle awaits you. Something that you can’t change will enter your life but don’t fight it. Everything will work out in the end.


What The Next Twelve Months of Your Life Will Look Like Based On Your Zodiac
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JULY TO SEPTEMBER: Your relationship is flourishing, or you may be feeling less anxious or tense. Remember to appreciate others (your friends or family) in your life. They are still important even if you don't see them as often.

OCTOBER TO DECEMBER: You’re unsure about your relationship – how will it develop? Listen to your intuition. It knows what you should do.

JANUARY TO MARCH: During these months, don't hesitate to do things that scare you. This year will teach you to be brave.

APRIL TO JUNE: You have already overcome obstacles and challenges that you never thought were possible. You are here and now – make sure to cherish the joy you have earned.


JULY TO SEPTEMBER: Despite the fact that this year is not easy for you, you’ve managed to overcome every obstacle. Remember that there are brighter days ahead of you.

OCTOBER TO DECEMBER: You may meet someone special, and they will be dear to you. Whether it's a new friend of yours or a budding romance, cherish their presence.

JANUARY TO MARCH: You have the desire to take risks and go on an exciting adventure. Don't be afraid, act! These months are supposed to be thrilling.

APRIL TO JUNE: These months will be pleasant and satisfying. You will feel content and happy about how your life progresses. 


What The Next Twelve Months of Your Life Will Look Like Based On Your Zodiac
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JULY TO SEPTEMBER: You may feel excited and joyful, as new doors open up for you. Make sure to trust your instincts and take a leap of faith toward your goals.

OCTOBER TO DECEMBER: You have been thinking about a long-term romantic connection, but you’re not sure what decision to make. Are you ready for a relationship?

JANUARY TO MARCH: You're focusing on your future (and probably on the future of your relationship), but it's important not to neglect those who helped you get to this point. You need their valuable support, even if you don't want to dwell on the past.

APRIL TO JUNE: This period can be special for you. Usually, you tend to keep your feelings locked up, but now you want to open up. It will be difficult, but you will overcome this.


JULY TO SEPTEMBER: You may experience a sense of incompleteness. However, maintaining a healthy attitude and being satisfied with what you already have will help you overcome this unpleasant feeling.

OCTOBER TO DECEMBER: You may have already identified your goal and are now working towards it, but you may have doubts about whether you can actually achieve it. Don't let doubts hold you back; be brave and make sure to go for what you want.

JANUARY TO MARCH: You have finally overcome your doubts and made the necessary changes, whether in your job or relationships. You have succeeded in achieving your goal.

APRIL TO JUNE: These months will be extremely important. Use this period to calm down and reflect on your accomplishments and experiences.

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