Yep. If you’re an Aquarius,
you’re probably smarter than most people —
but you probably already know this, don’t you? Aquarius people can
distance themselves from any drama, making it easier for them to come
up with a smart solution or just understand what is actually going
on. Unbothered, focused, flourishing, Aquarians can be relied on in
every situation. Even if everyone else is screaming and crying,
Aquarius will save the day.
People of this sign are also
extremely open-minded and always ready to accept new opinions,
ideas, and viewpoints.
At the same time, they rely on facts
instead of feelings, and if your opinion isn’t backed by science or
logic, they aren’t likely to accept it or take it seriously.
Intelligence: 5/5
Creativity: 5/5

love your curious mind, Virgo. You can find beauty in the simplest
things, and you’re interested even in something others don’t
notice. If other people think that there’s
no solution to a certain issue or no answer to a certain question,
Virgos will find it —
or just create their own solutions and answers. They’re constantly
coming up with smart ideas or creating
something beautiful. Their mind never stops racing.
are also very humble and can easily admit that they don’t know
something. They ask many questions and are always looking for answers
or new things to learn.
Intelligence: 4/5
Creativity: 5/5
Sometimes, Caps can just drive
people away with their intelligence. They have a constant desire to
learn new things, explore, discover, and impress others with their
genius-level IQ. They think for themselves and have a unique
perspective on what’s going on. Caps can
find beauty and motivation in everything —
even in something boring. They easily accept new viewpoints because
they understand that there are always more ways to look at things,
and some of these viewpoints may be more exciting than theirs.
Capricorns also have
a methodical way of thinking, which helps them solve any issues or
come up with smart ideas. They know what they want, but they’re not
rigid or stubborn when it comes to mapping out their plans —
Caps are always willing to take other strategies into consideration.
Intelligence: 4/5
Creativity: 4/5

First of all, you just can’t fool a Scorpio —
their mental strength and intuition won’t let you. Scorps can
easily tell when someone’s lying. They don’t feel things on the
surface; instead, they use their supernaturally strong intuition to
find out what’s true and what’s false. They’re deeply in touch
with their own subconscious realm, but at the same time, Scorps are
extremely smart. That’s a scary combination!
They use all their
senses to get information and then promptly analyze it to use it to
their advantage. If you miss some crucial information, a Scorpio
won’t. Trust us. Also, they can use their scarily sharp
intelligence for revenge, so don’t mess with them!
Intelligence: 5/5
Creativity: 4/5
Geminis are
geniuses. Period. All you need to do to see how smart they are is
just listen to them talk. They think fast, they make decisions fast, they change their mind fast, and they’re fast to perceive and
analyze new information. Also, their sense of humor is simply amazing
they can make anyone laugh. Even you, Capricorn.
have impressive verbal skills, and they manifest amazing creativity.
They can come up with a brilliant plan, write a novel, generate new
(a bit crazy) ideas, and see patterns and connections to find
Intelligence: 4/5
Creativity: 5/5

Pisceans are smart, but they’re not math smart. More like creatively smart. They can easily come up with clever solutions; however, their imagination can sometimes be too strong for their own good. All these beautiful ideas, concepts, and imaginary worlds just end up overwhelming them.
Pisces people are
also empathetic —
they just KNOW what others are feeling. It’s as if they can read
your mind. Their emotional intelligence is very high; they can trust
their intuition when they need to make a difficult decision. And
they’re very, very kind.
Memory: 3/5
Creativity: 5.5/5
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